Can Toddlers Take Motion Sickness Medicine?

Whether you are heading out on a family road trip or going on a boat ride on the water, it’s the perfect opportunity to create memories with your children and partner. Unfortunately, there is a possibility that motion sickness might set in, making it hard to enjoy the moment with your loved ones. Both adults and children can experience motion sickness, which might have you wondering: can toddlers take motion sickness medicine?

The truth is that motion sickness is quite common in children. Regardless of age, an estimated 1/3 – 2/3 of people will suffer from symptoms relating to motion sickness. Mild symptoms might be dizziness and sweating, but as the symptoms worsen, they can turn into nausea and vomiting.

Steps to Help Your Child Avoid Motion Sickness

Can toddlers take motion sickness medication? Yes, in the right dosage and frequency. But most parents prefer to try preventive techniques first to avoid the need for medication whenever possible. Here are a few proven tips that can minimize the risk ofmotion sickness in toddlers and children:

  • Eat together before traveling.
  • Avoid foods that are strong-smelling or greasy.
  • Position the child’s car seat so they can see out the window.
  • Don’t use tablets, phones, or iPads while moving.
  • Turn up the air so there is plenty of circulation in the car.
  • On a boat, encourage the child to stay in the middle of the boat since there is less motion.
  • Make sure the child is always facing forward.
  • Teach them how to look at a fixed point or the horizon.
  • Don’t allow the child to use cameras or binoculars.

Motion Sickness Medications for Toddlers and Children

As you are researching medication options, you’ll find several types of medications commonly used for motion sickness:

  • Dimenhydrinate: This is the traditional “Dramamine.” The instructions indicate that it can be given to children 2 years and older and should be taken every 6 – 8 hours.
  • Meclizine: The name brand of this medication is Bonine, and it’s popular because it causes fewer drowsy symptoms compared to Dramamine. According to the instructions, this motion sickness medication is only approved for people 12 years and older – it should not be given to toddlers.
  • Transdermal Scopolamine: A prescription motion sickness patch can be placed on the skin to minimize symptoms. These patches are only approved for 12 years and older, so it’s not a good idea to use patches for a toddler or younger child.

Important note: This information is not medical advice. Even if you are using over-the-counter medications, it’s always essential to consult with a pediatrician first before giving a child any type of medication.

Alternative Remedies for Motion Sickness

If you want to avoid medications,consider using alternative remedies that can minimize motion sickness. For example, many people find that ginger and/or peppermint can be helpful in reducing motion sickness without the side effects of medications.

Hana Tonic is an excellent option for anyone 2+ years, and it is packed with powerful ingredients thathelp to calm the stomach and boost the immune system. Keep Hana Tonic in your travel bag to help family members suffering from motion sickness.

This article is not intended to provide medical advice. Please consult with your pediatrician if you have any questions before taking.
