Ginger Essential Oil Benefits


Essential oils are a growing trend: from moms to health gurus, many people are discovering the benefits of oils. Ginger essential oil is one that many are turning to improve their mood, health, and life.

Ginger essential oil earned the nickname "oil of empowerment" because of its ability to instill feelings of confidence. This stimulating and warming scent offers many of the same benefits of ginger in a more concentrated form. It is incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide variety of ways:

  •    As aromatherapy
  •    Topically on the skin and hair
  •    Ingested in teas and food

We're going to delve into this empowering oil and why it is such a powerful tool for health and wellness. Read on to find out what ginger essential oil is, why you need it, and how to incorporate into your wellness routine.


What is Ginger Essential Oil?

Ginger comes from the flowering plantZingiber officinale. It originated in China, where people first used ginger about 5,000 years ago. Ginger has since spread all across the world and grown in most tropical regions in the world. It has been a part of the Western diet for close to 2,000 years.

Ginger's enduring popularity is mostly due to its warm, spicy flavor, and many purported health benefits. A staple of Asian cuisine, ginger is also used in both Chinese Traditional Medicine and Ayurveda. Practitioners traditionally used it for its ability to treat nausea and improve digestion.

Ginger essential oil distills the ginger into a more potent form. As a result, it has many of the same health benefits of ginger but offers more ways to get its health benefits.

Ginger essential oil is created mostly from the root of the plant. It is crafted in one of two ways.

  1. The first, distillation method, uses fresh roots to ensure they contain as many nutrients as possible. The roots are grated into small pieces to release the phytonutrients and chemical compounds. The pieces are then added to boiling water where the steam is collected and condenses into droplets of the oil. The vapor contains a concentrated form of the chemicals and phytonutrients.
  2. The second method is called CO2 extraction. The CO2 extraction method uses pressurized carbon dioxide to pull the nutrients from the ginger. The reason some people choose CO2 extraction is to avoid heating the ginger and possibly ruined some of the nutrients.


The Potent Ingredients Found in Ginger Essential Oil

Ginger essential oil has many potent ingredients that can be used to improve health. It is 90% sesquiterpenes, which contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Some of the powerful ingredients include:

  •    B-phellandrene
  •    Camphene
  •    Geranial
  •    Pinen
  •    B-Bisabolene
  •    Zingiberene
  •    B-Sesquiphellandrene
  •    Curcumene

All of these ingredients in concentrated form can impart many health benefits.


Benefits of Ginger Essential Oil

Practitioners have used ginger for thousands of years to provide relief for numerous health complaints. Today, we can harness these advantages in a more potent form in essential oil. Some of these include:


Fights Nausea

A problem that some people run into with nausea and natural remedies is that they often require eating or drinking something. Although people usually can do that even with nausea, there are times when it’s too extreme to keep anything down. Morning sickness and chemotherapy are just a couple times where even drinking water may feel impossible. 

An advantage of ginger essential oil is that it can provide relief from nausea and vomiting by scent alone. Several studies have substantiated the use of ginger in aromatherapy for sickness. 

One 2017 study found patients that inhaled ginger essential oil after abdominal surgery reported less nausea and vomiting.Another review of five trials totaling in 328 participants found that ginger oil was effective in relieving nausea.

Although more research is still needed to thoroughly substantiate ginger oil for nausea, the initial science on it is promising. It can be powerful for consuming as well, as the science onginger and nausea is well established


Relieves Cold Symptoms

Colds can be uncomfortable and draining. While rest and proper nutrition are essential for feeling better, sometimes people need a little boost to help relieve the symptoms of colds. Ginger essential oil’s properties make it ideal for feeling better fast.

The potent ingredients in the oil prompt the body to increase the amount of secretions in the respiratory tract. It lubricates the irritated area to provide relief from a dry, sore, and itchy throat.

One study also found that ginger essential oil can effectively remove mucus and acts as an expectorant when inhaled. It can be a more natural alternative to cough medication when you need relief from a cold.


Helps Asthma Symptoms

Ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which are further intensified in oil form. These ingredients could be a help for people who have asthma.

Asthma is caused by an overreaction in the body leading to the contraction of the airways. Ginger oil relaxes the muscles, relieving symptoms of an asthma attack, and keeping the airways open.

One study researched ginger essentialoil and its effect on asthma. The study found that the active properties in ginger oil caused the smooth muscles in the airway to relax. In fact, the results were so impressive that they purported that ginger may be an effective therapeutic option for people who have asthma. Researchers stated it could be used alone in combination with other traditional therapeutics. 

More research is needed to validate ginger oil for asthma definitively, but the current studies show that it could be useful. If you want to find a way to relieve asthma symptoms naturally, either by itself or alongside your medication, ginger oil could provide a powerful boost.


Reduces Anxiety

In our modern era, anxiety is shockingly common. In fact,about 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety every year. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the US. 

People who suffer from anxiety have many options to get relief, and ginger essential oil could provide them the extra boost they need. Traditionally, ginger oil is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a lack of self-confidence or motivation, as well as fear.

Science is starting to validate this common practice.One study from Switzerland found that ginger oil activated the human serotonin receptors. The serotonin receptors are vital for relieving anxiety, so the research points to the thought that it could reduce stress. 

Another animal study found that inhaling gingerhelped relieve anxiety in rats who were put in high-stress situations. 

For people who suffer from anxiety or just need an extra boost during a high-stress time, ginger oil could provide additional help.


Relieves Arthritis

Ginger contains strong anti-inflammatory components, which are powerful in reducing inflammatory conditions. Arthritis is one inflammatory condition that the ingredients in ginger could help.

Researchers have started to look into how ginger oil can potentially halt the symptoms of arthritis.One study found that arthritic rats who were injected with ginger essentialoil had a significant reduction in chronic joint swelling. 

In another study,researchers rubbed ginger essential oil on rats with arthritis. They found that rats who were treated had lower levels of inflammation and lowered arthritis.In a third study, rats who were treated with ginger had a significant reduction in acute inflammation.

Ginger oil can provide extra relief for those suffering from arthritis and the swelling and inflammation of joints.


Fights Cancer

People have long known thatginger possesses specific anti-cancer properties. Ginger essential oil provides an even more potent and concentrated form of these ingredients. These properties can help to prevent cancer and even assist in destroying cancer cells.

One study on ovarian cancer found that ginger oil had anti-cancer properties that could even induce apoptosis (cell death).Another study found that the antioxidant activity in ginger essential oil could be potent in preventing and fighting cancer.

Ginger essential oil is not a cure for cancer. However, it can be a very effective tool in the arsenal for those who want to prevent the disease or who are currently fighting it.



The amount of antioxidants in ginger essential oil create a boosted anti-aging effect. Ginger oil helps to decrease oxidant damage and stress markers that are common with age. 

Research on ginger has found that itcreates a decrease in lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation is when free radicals cause damage by stealing electrons from the lipids in our body. This causes them to become unstable, leading to many of the signs of aging.

Ginger oil could be a powerful tool to help decrease the deterioration that often comes with aging.


How to Take Ginger Essential Oil

One of ginger oil's strong benefits is that it can be taken in many different ways. Some of them include:

  •    Aromatherapy.Add two to three drops in a warm bath or one to two drops in a diffuser to get some of the benefits of ginger. You can also inhale the bottle directly twice daily.
  •    Topically.You can rub one to two drops on the stomach for nausea. However, you may want to dilute with a carrier oil if you have sensitive skin.
  •    In food.Add one to two drops in tea or water. You can also add to your food for flavor as well as the nutritional benefits. Start with one to two drops initially, as the taste is stronger. 

Hana Tonic

However, ginger oil is especially strong with other health-boosting ingredients. Hana Tonic uses ginger oil as a part of their shot with the best ingredients for nausea relief, as well as other health benefits.

Give it a try today!

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