What is the Best Motion Sickness Treatment?

If you know that you are prone to an upset stomach when riding in a car, train, or bus, then the best thing you can do is to be proactive with a provenmotion sickness treatment to stay ahead of the symptoms. The key to successfully managing nausea and vomiting is to be proactive with the treatment: settle your stomach before the symptoms intensify too much.

Motion Sickness Symptoms

Even though motion sickness isn’t a life-threatening condition, it’s no fun to deal with the symptoms when you are traveling. Minor motion sickness symptoms make your life unpleasant, while moderate or severe symptoms can impact your ability to participate in certain activities.

Minor motion sickness symptoms include:

  • Uneasy stomach
  • Nausea
  • Irritability
  • Dizziness
  • Increase in saliva production
  • Belching

If these minor symptoms are left untreated, then the symptoms can intensify quickly and lead to moderate or severe motion sickness symptoms:

  • Vomiting
  • Pale skin
  • Sweating
  • Headache

One common question is: Will you continue experiencing motion sickness when not moving? In most cases, the symptoms will subside when you get out of the moving vehicle. But there are times when the symptoms hang on for a while, causing you to experience unpleasant feelings until the symptoms pass. For example, if you’ve been on a boat for a few days, then you might feel like the dry land is rocking after disembarking from the boat. As a result, it is possible that you will experience motion sickness on dry land until the feeling subsides.

What You Need to Know: Causes of Motion Sickness

Learning about motion sickness causes can be beneficial so you can manage your symptoms when in conditions that could trigger the sickness. The sick feeling can occur any time you are moving or you are observing the movement of others. If your brain is receiving confusing signals, then the body might respond with motion sickness. Examples include:

  • Cars
  • Buses
  • Trains
  • Planes
  • Boats
  • Amusement Rides
  • Virtual Reality Experiences

Usually, the symptoms occur when there is an incongruence between what you are feeling and what you see. For example, your body is seated still in the seat, but the vehicle is moving forward and you can feel the swaying motion.

The severity of symptoms varies depending on the person and the circumstances. Some people find that they can ride in the passenger seat of a car, but the symptoms are hard to manage when sitting in the back seat of a car without a clear view through the windshield.

Here are a few factors that can trigger motion sickness or cause the symptoms to worsen:

  • Reading in the car
  • Looking at a phone or screen in the car
  • Not getting enough air
  • Limited visibility of the horizon

The risk of motion sickness also increases for pregnant women, older people, children between the ages of 2 and 12, and people who suffer from migraine headaches. Some doctors have suggested that genetic factors might play a role since motion sickness can run in families.

While motion sickness usually occurs when riding in a moving vehicle, other situations can result in motion sickness symptoms. For example, if there is a problem with the inner ear, then it could result in symptoms that are similar to motion sickness.

Comparing Options: Motion Sickness Treatment

Do you have a pattern of motion sickness? If so, then it is time to consider your options for motion sickness treatment. Don’t wait until the last minute before reaching for a treatment. These are some of the most common motion sickness treatment options, as well as pros and cons that need to be addressed before using the treatment:

  • Manage Your Surroundings: Small choices while traveling can have an impact on your comfort. Choose the front passenger seat in the car if it is available. Make sure you are always facing forward on a boat or train. Look for a seat that gives you clear visibility of the horizon. Also, it is important to have access to plenty of fresh air by turning up the air conditioner or rolling down the window.
  • Look Up: One of the worst things you can do is look down while you are in transit. Reading a book or scrolling on your phone might seem like a way to pass the time, but these activities will increase the risk of symptoms. Instead, look up and through the window. Try focusing on a distant object. Alternatively, some people find that if looking ahead isn’t working, then it is more effective to close their eyes.

Consider Food Choices: Avoid a big meal and alcohol before boarding a train or boat. A better solution is to eat small portions of foods that help to settle the stomach, such as crackers or toast. Additionally, certain ingredients can promote a calm stomach, such as ginger, peppermint, and chamomile. One simple solution is to keep a bottle of Hana Tonic in your bag so you have an easy (and all natural!) remedy to reach for so you can get ahead of the intense symptoms.

  • Pressure Points: The efficacy of using acupressure for motion sickness is conflicting, and some doctors have suggested that it doesn’t work. Even if it’s just a placebo effect, it doesn’t hurt to try pressure point devices. Examples include elastic wristbands with small plastic knobs that are placed over the correct point on the wrist.
  • Motion Sickness Medication: It might seem like a simple fix to pop a pill an hour before traveling. While medication is readily available, easy access doesn’t mean that it is the right answer. You can buy motion sickness pills over-the-counter, but this medication can cause drowsiness and limits your ability to drive or operate heavy machinery. Additionally, the side effects can cause digestive issues, dry mouth, and other health concerns. Taking unnecessary medication puts a strain on the liver where the medication is filtered out of the body.
  • Motion Sickness Patch: An alternative to oral medication is to deliver the drug through the skin, using a patch that is usually worn behind the ear. Keep in mind that a skin patch can still deliver the same drawbacks that come from motion sickness medication, including dangerous side effects. It is best to avoid all types of medication, including both oral and skin applications.
  • Desensitization: Some people find benefit in desensitization therapy. For example, try exposing yourself to small intervals of activities that cause symptoms. Over time, it becomes easier to participate in the activity because your body gets used to the motion.

Is there a motion sickness surgery available? In most cases: no. The only time surgery is considered is if the motion sickness symptoms are occurring because of an inner ear problem. In this case, an ENT might offer recommendations to correct the inner ear, which hopefully will eliminate the symptoms.

Is Motion Sickness Curable?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a known cure for motion sickness. Many people are looking for a solution so they know how to cure motion sickness permanently, but there isn’t a treatment that will eliminate all symptoms in the future. Instead, you need to be proactive in managing the symptoms as they arise. The above motion sickness treatments can help to curb the symptoms in the moment, helping you feel a bit better while traveling.

Are you looking for an all-natural option for treating motion sickness? Then Hana Tonic is here to help! We’ve created an effective, easy to take 2 oz shot that includes some of the most powerful ingredients to reduce the symptoms of motion sickness. This proprietary blend is available for purchase in a travel-friendly bottle, giving you quick access to amotion sickness treatment in the moments you need it the most.

Keep your nausea at bay
