Morning Sickness Smoothie

Pregnancy nausea might cause you to not be able to even think about certain foods. Maybe leafy green vegetables or a mushy avocado puts you over the edge just picturing them. But if you combine all of those healthy, albeit unappetizing, foods into a morning sickness smoothie, you may be able to ingest the nutrients without losing it.

A green smoothie is a great way to incorporate foods that are high in antioxidants and protein into your morning sickness routine. Small sips can help you drink the whole thing. Taking your time will spread out any discomfort with the texture that you may get from big gulps.

Try this green smoothie for morning sickness:


  • 3 bananas, frozen (peel before freezing for ease)
  • 1 chopped and peeled green apple
  • 1/3 of a cucumber
  • 2 sprigs of mint, no stems
  • 1 small bunch of arugula leaves
  • 1 Tbsp almond butter or 1 avocado
  • 1 heaping tsp of dried ginger
  • 1 cup coconut water
  • Juice from 1 lime


  1. Combine
  2. Blend
  3. Serve

A cool, refreshing smoothie can help to soothe your upset stomach. The natural nausea remedies contained in ginger will keep your tummy feeling calm. And the healthy ingredients will bring in the nutrients needed to give your body energy and nourish your growing baby.

Every mother wants to take care of their baby to the best of their ability while pregnant. It can be easy to feel guilty about the foods that you eat when you are just trying to get up off the couch during those first few weeks of pregnancy nausea. Having a healthy smoothie that you like will increase the nutrients in your morning sickness diet.

But you can also cut yourself some slack during this time. Your baby will thrive as long as you are eating anything at all. There is no need to beat yourself up over your pregnancy diet when you are feeling sick.

Other Tips for Morning Sickness

Smoothies are great ways to get the nutrients you need when there isn’t one food that sounds good to eat. Besides diet, there are other things that you can do to keep nausea as minimal as possible.

  • Exercise moderately, doing low-impact workouts.
  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Take magnesium vitamins or use topical magnesium cream.
  • Drink and cook with ginger.
  • Avoid added sugar.
  • Eat often.
  • Eat protein when tolerable.

When you find a morning sickness eating routine that works for you, stick with it. The first few weeks will inevitably be the most uncomfortable. But once you have discovered the foods that sit well and the best way to stave off nausea in other ways, you will get in a groove.

It may not be realistic to fit home-made smoothies into your routine every day. At Hana Tonic, we offer a proprietary blend of powerful ingredients in a ginger shot. The concentrated ginger helps with overall health and also helps in soothing pregnancy nausea. If you are looking for a simple way to tackle morning sickness when on-the-go, then reach for a bottle of Hana Tonic. 
